
Katie Argyle - First One - linocut

Maureen McAdams - 1963 - collagraph

K. Argyle and E. Fumigalli - Dramatic Flair - linocut

Elena Fumigalli - Untitled - linocut

Michelle Zikovitz - Poppies - linocut

Katie Argyle - Break - aluminum etching

Deidre Hierlihy - Proof1 - linocut

South Wall of Prints

Sharlene Wong - Scrunchy Face Therapy - linocut, drypoint

Angela Hennessey - Cat Nap - Intaglio Linocut

Heather McLeod - Fish - linocut

Rod Restivo - Brewing Tea - copper plate etching

East Wall of Prints

Pat Durr - Bufo Pereglens - multi-plate collagraph, monoprint and etching

Hendrik Swaneveld, Sr. - Pine Island - drypoint

North Wall of Prints

Andrea Kinni - Interzonal 1 - screenprint

Madeleine Rousseau - Introspection - linocut

Maya Hum - Huh?! - collagraph, chine colle

West Wall of Prints

Jean Botwright - Garden - photopolymer etching

Beth Shepherd - Cow Pastoral - linocut, monoprint

Amy Brannan - Walk Away - screeprint

Beverley Turnbull - Live! Tree - linocut

Emmy Reichgelt - Stoel - linocut

Janice Downs - Crow - linocut

Katie Argyle - Can't Stay Must Go - drypoint

Ted Johnson - Ah, Spring! - woodcut

Irit Bretholz - After The Snow - screenprint

Julie Macbean - The Scene Without - photopolymer etching

Shirley Yik - Fossils - collagraph

Print Exchange Participants - Info about your exchange prints

Opening Day!

The Burr House and Guild Hall, Richmond Hill - April 2015